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Keeping babies
Diaper-free means...
... to release your baby when he or she needs to go and to hold him or her over a potty/toilet/sink to eliminate.
Babies have an innate instinct to keep themselves clean. This way, your baby will have fewer tummy aches, you will save on waste, and your relationship will become even more intense.
For easy holding and changing
Open or close diaper in just 2 seconds
Would you like to try holding out?
These are typical signs that going diaper-free or using a potty could make your life easier! Just try it out with our PDF step-by-step guide for 0€!
To PDF for 0 €Let us walk the path together!
Because going diaper-free is not a goal, but a decision.
We will walk the path together. You just have to want to walk it.
I am Magdalena, a mother of two children and the founder of Mata Origin. For me, going diaper-free is much more than "just" the most natural way. Going diaper-free means dignity! It is the dignified response to the competence and needs of the child and also to the competence and potential of parents. Embracing this path means embarking on a journey to yourself, and that is what I love so much!
Let us walk the path together!