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How does diaper-free work?
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How does diaper-free work?

Are you perhaps expecting your first child and have considered doing without conventional disposable diapers?

Now you have come across terms like going diaper-free, elimination communication or holding babies. You may not yet fully understand this practice, you may have many doubts, but you are still curious about what the topic of going diaper-free and holding babies is all about?

Then you are probably asking yourself the following questions, among others:

  • How does going diaper-free work and how do I hold my baby properly?
  • How do I start going diaper-free?
  • How do I practice going diaper-free at night?
  • Can I start going diaper-free immediately after giving birth?

Even if this sounds like a lot of science, we can reassure you right from the start. Being diaper-free and holding your baby in has a lot to do with intuition. And everyone has that in them. Of course, there are some things that make everyday diaper-free life easier and we'll introduce you to exactly those here:

To know

Going diaper-free is a very natural path that is often guided by intuition. Nevertheless, it is important to acquire a little basic knowledge in order to be able to follow this path with strength and self-confidence.

Click here for our online course

  • Find security within yourself and learn to trust your intuition
  • Learn how to put diaper-free into practice
  • 90 minutes of knowledge, divided into 4 chapters and 12 videos,

Bonus material: 5 testimonials from diaper-free parents


In order to be able to practice diaper-free as easily as possible, you need practical equipment. There are now many different manufacturers of diaper-free clothing. Here you can find diaper-free clothing made from natural materials. The properties of wool make diaper-free use easy and requires little effort in everyday life.

Mata Origin initial equipment:
  • 3 baby size nappy covers (1 is for your baby, one is in the laundry, 1 is ready for you to change)
  • 30 absorbent pads (XKKO BIRDEYE 50x50 size S are the best. But you can also cut some out of old towels or bed linen or use half muslin cloths.)
  • 1-2 hold-up rompers day/night
  • 1-2 cowboy weaning pants (from about 5 weeks, as the body tension is still so low at the beginning - weaning with the onesie is simply easier)
  • 1 small Mata Origin potty for at home and on the go (from around 4-6 months I also recommend the Easypisi potty for at home and at night)
  • 1 Mata Origin wool blanket (you will never want to wrap your baby in anything other than this wool blanket!! – it will accompany you while sleeping, carrying, breastfeeding, in the stroller, at night, on the go,...!)
  • 1 miracle brush for brushing (cleaning) woolen clothing


Especially in such a sensitive phase of life, when so much is new, we need the support of good people. The best way to go down new paths is together. Find like-minded people, feel like you belong and get inspiration on this exciting path. Look for people who share your values ​​and with whom you can exchange ideas on the subject of parenthood and potty training. Nothing is as valuable as a strong community in which you can exchange ideas, be encouraged and also be carried and held. Join the Mata Origin Family and we will go on your diaper-free path together!


Exchange and networking are particularly important for this new, exciting path! The Mata Origin Forum serves as a space for exchange, knowledge sharing and support with diaper-free challenges. The Mata Origin Family also offers the Diaper-Free Circle of Friends. A Zoom meeting for exchange among diaper-free parents according to the motto "Be together. Learn from each other."

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