Cowboy pants | pants for elimination communication
The cowboy pants | pants for elimination communication
The training pants are your must-have companion in your diaper-free everyday life; they adapt to every developmental phase and situation.
The special features of the cowboy pants are:
- you can use the potty without taking off the pants!
- perfect to wear under the Crawler or Babysize diaper - this makes elimination communication easier than changing conventional diapers!
- Wearing cowboypants without a diaper - ideal for the development of independent excretion, even if your child cannot yet pull down the pants by him or herself, the child can still go to the potty.
- possibility to wear the pants with a diaper insert only - practical as a minimal backup against puddles, or when babies are still lying down.
- If it gets wet, just let it dry and put it back on.
Recommendation for crawling children:
For crawling babies, we recommend reinforcements on the knees to protect the material. The possible abraison of the pants varies from individual to individual and depends on the respective movement pattern and surface.
Scope of delivery:
Delivery includes the ordered number of pants without diapers.
- aus 100% Merinowolle (mulesingfrei, in Italien gestrickt)
DurchΒ Fetten mit Wollwachs (Lanolin) wirdΒ die HoseΒ wasser- bzw. urinabweisend. Sie bleibt trocken und geruchsneutral. Das macht unsere natΓΌrliche Funktionskleidung aus.Β
Merinowolle ist temperaturausgleichend, und luftdurchlΓ€ssig.
- Wollwaschmittel
- HandwΓ€sche oder Wollwaschgang bis 30 Β°CΒ
- SchleudernΒ bis max. 800 Umdrehungen
- nicht im WΓ€schetrockner trocknen
Wolle ist von Natur aus selbstreinigend und antibakteriell. Sie muss bei Urinkontakt oder Muttermilchstuhl nicht direkt gewaschen werden. Einfach trocknen lassen, ausbΓΌrsten, auslΓΌften und erst wenn das nicht mehr reicht - waschen.
Question about the product?
Do you have any questions about our product?
We will be happy to advise you by
- Telephone +43 664 1128271 or
- Email info@mata-origin.com