Mata Origin
Mata Origin Flyer | pack of 25
We need you to spread EC to the World!
You know how valuable EC is for both babies and parents – and that's exactly why we need you! Help us spread the knowledge about diaper-free practices: whether in your circle of friends, at midwifery or doctor's offices, birth centers, or at baby meet-ups. Together, we can ensure that more babies are seen in all their basic needs!
To help you get started, we’re providing you with our brand-new flyers. These will be shipped to your home in packs of 25. For each flyer pack, we charge a contribution of €1.50 to ensure that they are used purposefully and sustainably, rather than ending up unused in the paper waste.
Order your flyer pack today – together, we can achieve great things! 💛
Question about the product?
Do you have any questions about our product?
We will be happy to advise you by
- Telephone +43 664 1128271 or
- Email info@mata-origin.com